Confessions of a Quackbuster

This blog deals with healthcare consumer protection, and is therefore about quackery, healthfraud, chiropractic, and other forms of so-Called "Alternative" Medicine (sCAM).

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

This Is Why .... Chiropractors Are Upset With This Site

This Is Why .... Chiropractors Are Upset With This Site

This is Why .... this site is necessary., a blog that claims to be "The Chiropractic Community’s Home on the Web", is naturally upset when anyone points at the elephant in chiropractic's livingroom. This is typical for chiropractic. Wagon circling has always been their reaction to criticism, instead of cleaning up their act.

Here is where they comment on the negative information all over cyberspace (I wonder why it got there? Could it be that all those chiros who are too honest to continue scamming the public are making an impact, and getting the message out there?):

This Is Why

They also are kind enough to link to my site, among other sources of good - skeptical - information. (You see, there are always two sides to a coin, but they don't want the public to know that....;-)

I must admit that I'm flattered by their way of wording it:

This is why we need

Oh. And this, too. And this.

They then extol the virtues of the internet as a source of information, but complain that Google searches turn up a lot of negative sources of information (the other half of the coin):

As you can see, the Internet affords the health consumer a very vaulable tool for information-gathering when they are in need of medical treatment. The Internet is full of quality advice from healthcare professionals. But it is also full of unprofessional people dispensing bad advice.

Searching with google for the term “chiropractic advice” results in a disparaging article about chiropractic in the very first search term. Same for googling “chiro info”. When using the search term “chiropractic treatment” on google the third item to come up is a website dedicated to tarnishing chiropractic. When searching for “chiropractic adjustment” the fifth item is negative. When googling “chiropractor” 3 of the first 5 items are negative. One of them, entitled “Tips on Choosing a Chiropractor” (written by an MD) includes advice such as to ask your MD to suggest a chiropractor and to avoid any DC’s who speak of or attempt to treat subluxations.

Then they encourage chiros to counteract the negative information.

But they forget that the elephant will still be there. They will only look foolish while attempting to deny its presence.

Now if you want searches, here are a few chiropractic searches (with a decidedly skeptical twist....;-) Use these searches in your research, then modify them as needed. Please inform me of interesting searches to add to this list.

chirolinks healthbase
chiropractic resources
chiropractic subluxation
chiropractic religion
chiropractic religion philosophy
chiropractic religion philosophy vitalism
chiropractic vitalism
chiropractic biotheology
chiropractic philosophy
chiropractic belief systems
chiropractic belief systems vitalism
chiropractic belief systems vitalism religion
chiropractic belief systems vitalism religion quack
chiropractic quack
chiropractic quackery
chiropractic unethical
chiropractic skeptic
chiropractic vaccination
chiropractic "anti-vaccination"
chiropractic anti vax
chiropractic "practice building"
chiropractic lifetime patients
chiropractic lifetime patients maintenance
chiropractic lifetime patients maintenance wellness
chiropractic daniel david palmer
chiropractic daniel david palmer quack
chiropractic daniel david palmer quackery
chiropractic dd palmer
chiropractic dd palmer quack
chiropractic dd palmer quackery
chiropractic bj palmer
chiropractic bj palmer quack
chiropractic bj palmer quackery
chiropractic bartlett j palmer
chiropractic "safe haven"
chiropractic joseph flesia
chiropractic flesia flesia
"Renaissance International" chiropractic
chiropractic "sid williams"
chiropractic "sid williams" "dynamic essentials"
chiropractic "dynamic essentials"
chiropractic "terry rondberg"
chiropractic rondberg
chiropractic reikeman
"guy reikeman"
chiropractic "tedd koren"
chiropractic "james parker"
chiropractic "chris kent"
chiropractic "patrick gentempo"
chiropractic "david singer"
chiropractic "C.J. Mertz"
chiropractic "Jay Morgan"
chiropractic "reggie gold"
chiropractic "Eric Plasker"
chiropractic "500 Club"
chiropractic "500/500 Club" 500
"Lifetime Chiropractic Care for Everyone"
chiropractic lcfe
"chiropractic assistant"
chiropractic assistant
"chiropractic assistant association"
chiropractic assistant forum
kiropraktik (Danish, Swedish, Norwegian)
chiropratique (French)
quiropráctica (Spanish)
kiropraktik information
kiropraktisk behandling
kiropraktisk klinik
kiropraktisk klinikker
kiropraktik kiropraktikkensfremme
kiropraktor behandling
kiropraktik alternativ behandling
kiropraktik kvaksalveri
kiropraktik religion


See them while you can!

  • Chirolinks

  • Chiropractic Index

  • Chirobase