Confessions of a Quackbuster

This blog deals with healthcare consumer protection, and is therefore about quackery, healthfraud, chiropractic, and other forms of so-Called "Alternative" Medicine (sCAM).

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

PinkBook/Original: Epidemiology & Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases

NIP: Pubs/PinkBook/Original: Epidemiology & Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases

"The Pink Book" 8th Edition Original Format (.pdf)

Each chapter may be downloaded fully-formatted, just as it appears in the printed book, including slides.

These .pdf files are viewable only with the Adobe™ Acrobat™ Reader. If you do not have this software, you may download it using the "Get Adobe Reader" logo in the left (golden yellow) navigation bar.

Chapter 1. Principles of Vaccination (.pdf 283KB)

Chapter 2. General Recommendations on Immunization (.pdf 416KB)

Chapter 3. Immunization Strategies for Healthcare Practices and Providers (.pdf 391KB)

Chapter 4. Vaccine Safety (.pdf 389KB)

Chapter 5. Diphtheria (.pdf 291KB)

Chapter 6. Tetanus (.pdf 324KB)

Chapter 7. Pertussis (.pdf 460KB)

Chapter 8. Poliomyelitis (.pdf 405KB)

Chapter 9. Haemophilus influenzae type b - Hib (.pdf 472KB)

Chapter 10. Measles (.pdf 487KB)

Chapter 11. Mumps (.pdf 271KB)

Chapter 12. Rubella (.pdf 423KB)

Chapter 13. Varicella (.pdf 534KB)

Chapter 14. Hepatitis A (.pdf 349KB)

Chapter 15. Hepatitis B (.pdf 736KB)

Chapter 16. Influenza (.pdf 737KB)

Chapter 17. Pneumococcal Disease (.pdf 475K)

Chapter 18. Meningococcal Disease (.pdf 394KB)

Chapter 19. Smallpox (.pdf 895KB)

Chapter 20. Anthrax (.pdf 497KB)

Go to list of Appendices