Reciprocal Links: Invitation
If you don't find your blog or website in my list of reciprocal links in the sidebar, please contact me. Maybe we can help each other.
Search engines rate websites according to how many other sites link to them, and reciprocal linking is an easy way to boost the rating of your website.
In the Blogosphere, internal links in articles aren't enough. They help, but permanent links in the sidebar have a special status in the ratings, so please consider linking to Confessions of a Quackbuster, as well as to my other sites and webrings.
This invitation is for all websites and blogs that are somehow related to science, skepticism, and anti-quackery efforts. Sites that are decidedly against such efforts aren't welcome. So-Called "Alternative" Medicine (sCAM) sites need not apply.
Search engines rate websites according to how many other sites link to them, and reciprocal linking is an easy way to boost the rating of your website.
In the Blogosphere, internal links in articles aren't enough. They help, but permanent links in the sidebar have a special status in the ratings, so please consider linking to Confessions of a Quackbuster, as well as to my other sites and webrings.
This invitation is for all websites and blogs that are somehow related to science, skepticism, and anti-quackery efforts. Sites that are decidedly against such efforts aren't welcome. So-Called "Alternative" Medicine (sCAM) sites need not apply.
********** Reciprocal Links: An Invitation ********** Please visit and link to my other cyber activities |
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