Confessions of a Quackbuster

This blog deals with healthcare consumer protection, and is therefore about quackery, healthfraud, chiropractic, and other forms of so-Called "Alternative" Medicine (sCAM).

Friday, July 01, 2005

Aetna Countersues Bogus Device Promoters

As usual, Tim Bolen has been huffing and puffing, doing his best as a spin doctor to attack any and all who attempt to expose the quackery of his clients and friends. Since he's against busting quacks (quackbusters), he naturally must be a promoter of quackery. He is the top quack-promoter around, using intimidation and lies as his favorite weapons.

In this particular case neither he nor Dr. Boyd Haley get favorable mention in the court transcripts!

The case is described by Dr. Barrett here:

Aetna Countersues Bogus Device Promoters

Both Haley and Bolen are mentioned very unfavorably in the transcript.

Bolen's role is thus described:

56. In exchange for unspecified "information," Cavitat also promised a percentage of the anticipated recovery to Timothy Bolen ("Bolen"), who portrays himself on the Internet as a 'Crisis Management Consultant." Bolen, acting with his wife, Jan, and their company “JuriMed," have been attempting to promote the business of Cavitat for some time. As Cavitat's agent, Bolen, his wife, and company have engaged in a venal and systematic campaign to attack Aetna and persons whom Cavitat alleges are associated with Aetna, all for the purpose of his making money for himself and the others he has acted in concert with in advancing the baseless claims asserted against Aetna in this lawsuit. Bolen has a history of advocating for the sale of holistic and alternative medical products and concepts and of attacking evidence-based mainstream medicine. He has been "hired," "retained" or "consulted" in the past by attorneys and for individuals accused of medical fraud, malpractice and quackery. He also has provided crisis management services for medical practitioners accused of unethical conduct. Indeed, Cavitat and Jones rewarded Bolen for his actions in connection with "public relations" provided to Cavitat and for his "consulting contributions to the partnership" between Cavitat, Jones, Bolen and others. It is clear that these services were intended by Jones and Cavitat to include the ongoing and orchestrated personal attacks and intimidation of witnesses in this action as well as continuing to abuse the Courts and Aetna for their mutual economic profit and ambitions.

57. Even a cursory effort at ascertaining the past activities of Bolen would have revealed to Cavitat and its representatives the disreputable tactics engaged in by Bolen on behalf of his "clients." Bolen has been in frequent and collusive contact with Jones, his attorneys and others for the improper purpose of advancing the meritless claims against Aetna. This has included public meetings in Dallas, Texas in March 2005 where Jones, his agents and Bolen falsely stated that Aetna was involved in a "conspiracy" to harm Cavitat and biological or homeopathic dentists.

58. Additionally, Cavitat, Jones, Bolen and others have engaged in a campaign to intimidate and obstruct testimony of witnesses under subpoena in this case by various means including the posting of false representations on the Internet and physical stalking of witnesses in this case. Aetna incorporates by reference its Response to Plaintiffs' Motion for Protective Order or To Quash Subpoenas filed in this case and attached as Exhibit 1 to this Counterclaim.

59. Cavitat and Jones, while admitting that they were in contact with Bolen, attempted to hide from Aetna and the Court the fact that Bolen was a participant in the Cavitat Legal Fund and had a known and demonstrable economic self-interest in improperly influencing this litigation until the Court ordered production of documents reflecting this fact. Although Cavitat and its agents also concealed Bolen's ongoing role as agent provocateur, which discovery has now revealed to be covertly described as "public relations services." In open Court, Cavitat and Jones described Bolen as a "loose cannon" and described his accusations as often false and wrong, and yet failed to admit that Bolen was agent-in-fact for the Cavitat Legal Fund, Cavitat and Jones. Such conduct is direct evidence of the fact that Cavitat and Jones lacked substantial justification to bring suit against Aetna.


70. Cavitat and Jones, along with other persons such as Sarah Jones, Robert Y. Jones, Dr. Bouquot, Dr. Shankland, Dr. Margolis, Dr. Haley, Bolen and others, had a meeting of the minds to work together jointly to profit, legitimize or otherwise disguise the use of the Cavitat device; gain the approval of mainstream dentistry for the use of the Cavitat device in the diagnosis and treatment of NICO; and, have the condition known as NICO accepted by mainstream medicine and dentistry.


80. The conduct of Jones and Cavitat as well as Bolen and their other agents was intentional, willful, wanton, malicious, reckless, grossly negligent and deserving of punishment.

For evidence of Bolen's role in this particular case, take a look at these "opinion pieces" by him:

Quackbusters Accused of "Racketeering" (RICO) in Colorado...

More on - Quackbusters Accused of "Racketeering" (RICO) in Colorado...

Is Aetna Threatening My Family?...

In his usual style, Bolen accuses others of the very tactics he uses himself. Well, his payday is coming.....