Confessions of a Quackbuster

This blog deals with healthcare consumer protection, and is therefore about quackery, healthfraud, chiropractic, and other forms of so-Called "Alternative" Medicine (sCAM).

Sunday, October 24, 2004

"God is Dead" article from the New York Times Jan. 9. 1966, pg. 146

'God is Dead'
The following ritual was presented during a chapel service at a small denominational college in the South. It was designed to explore in liturgical form the experience of the "death of God." The reaction, according to campus reporter, "ranged from tears to a new enthusiasm for theology."

He was our guide and our stay
He walked with us beside still waters
He was our help in ages past

The lengthening shadow grows formless
The lengthening shadow grows formless

Now the day is over
Night is drawing nigh
Shadows of the evening steal across the sky

He is gone. He is stolen by darkness
He is gone. He is stolen by darkness

Now we must wonder
Was He our only dream.
A dream painted across the sky

And in the beginning our fear created him
And in the beginning our fear created him

Did we create Him in our image?
Did we surround Him with hosts because
We were alone?

Our imaginations rescued us from the deep
Our imaginations rescued us from the deep

Space has stretched beyond Him.
It is very cold here
And from time there comes no warmth

The universe is too vast for him
The universe is too vast for him

Beyond the stars, more stars
Beyond the sky, more sky
Above our dreams, more dreams

Heaven is empty
Heaven is empty

Only his footsteps remain
Only stained glass and arched hopes
Only wasted steeples and useless piety

There is silence along the forest path
There is silence along the forest path

Why is there no dawn?
Why do our dead only die?
Why do our living only live?

Your God is Dead
He died in the darkness of your image
He died because he grew ill from your dreams of salvation
He died because you held his hand too tightly
God is Dead

New York Times, Jan 9, 1966, pg. 146